I have finally got round to updating this blog with some more of the lovely animals I have been looking after recently.
I have had quite a few dog boards so here we go!
Firstly a lovely Whippet (cross?) called Tommy. We all fell in love with Tommy. He had a very sad face and a black line around his eyes as if he were wearing eyeliner:)

Tommy got to meet the other dogs I walk. Harley (the daschund)and a dog I walk every day Chuffley. He also got to meet Bob the schnauzer and at first I thought it was going to be a disaster as they both seemed quite aggessive towards each other, but they soon came round and became good friends :)

Here's Bob with Lenny. Bob stays for a whole day a week with me and in May he came to stay for a long weekend. I love Bob but I could do without the wake up calls. Bob!
This is Almond, a 3 year old Samoyed. He is beautiful but very strong. I'm not sure who takes who for a walk.

I had the pleasure of looking after Colin and Chloe again this month while Charlotte went to Sark. Here they are enjoying the garden. Unfortunately Charlotte had to take Colin to the vet recently and they told her he had diabetes, so he now has to have a tablet everyday. He takes it very well though and likes the new food he has to have. Not easy when Chloe is eating tinned cat food next door. He does try and make his way over to her food if he thinks I'm not looking, so I had to be extra vigilant :)
This is Daisy and Kooky, two very clever cats I have just finished looking after. The white cat is Daisy and the black cat is Kooky. They were very nervous cats while I was in the house but it was obviously mayhem, judging by the mess I found every day in the kitchen, everytime I left. What do they get up to when we're not there?

Here are some lovely pictures of other cats I have been looking after. As you can see I have been very busy of late and enjoyed every minute of it. From top to bottom:- Gabby,Bumblebee,Lilly, Arthur, Coco, Bert, Beauregard, Sophie, geckos (2 pics), Misty and Lou Lou.
This is Marigold, my most nervous cat. I would never see Marigold if I didnt actively look for her every visit. This time I was determined to take a picture of her and I sought her out and found her hiding in the smallest gap between the sofa and the radiator.
Last but not least I am now looking after my friends two Spaniels and her three cats and goldfish while she is on holiday at Centre Parcs in Belgium. I call her brood the Crazy Gang (this mainly applies to Cooper and Jen). Yesterday I tried to come in to my house in some sort of order (usually they fly in and run straight through the hall to the kitchen and out to the back garden looking for a tennis ball). I decided to hold onto their leads until we were well into the house and that way they would enter calmly. Unfortunately they had other ideas. As we entered the door to the hall way I held onto their leads, they bolted, I tripped over the rug and they pulled me, like huskys, on my stomach into the kitchen. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. My daughter was in no doubt and laughed hysterically for the next hour. I must admit once my knee had stopped throbbing I also saw the funny side :D
I'm expecting a very busy pet sitting Summer but I hope I have time to update you with more lovely pets.

Last but not least I am now looking after my friends two Spaniels and her three cats and goldfish while she is on holiday at Centre Parcs in Belgium. I call her brood the Crazy Gang (this mainly applies to Cooper and Jen). Yesterday I tried to come in to my house in some sort of order (usually they fly in and run straight through the hall to the kitchen and out to the back garden looking for a tennis ball). I decided to hold onto their leads until we were well into the house and that way they would enter calmly. Unfortunately they had other ideas. As we entered the door to the hall way I held onto their leads, they bolted, I tripped over the rug and they pulled me, like huskys, on my stomach into the kitchen. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. My daughter was in no doubt and laughed hysterically for the next hour. I must admit once my knee had stopped throbbing I also saw the funny side :D
I'm expecting a very busy pet sitting Summer but I hope I have time to update you with more lovely pets.