Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bromley Cat Sitting and Dog Walking

Winter is upon us.  I have spent the day dog walking in the rain and enjoyed every minute of it.

Today I started the day at 8am when Buster (John's little charge for the day), a little chihuahua cross was dropped off for day care.  After playing with him for a while I got ready to go and visit the 5 cats I am looking after at the moment.  Buster went up the garden with my husband to his workshop and I scooted off to visit Valentine and Petra, Bobby and Kooky and Daisy.  Cat sits finished I started my dog walks.  I had two ad hoc visits booked today, a labrador called Lobo and a Labrador/Staffie called Brinna.  John took Lobo and Buster out and I walked Brinna.  Brinna is walked on lead to so I always walk her on her own and then I went off to pick up Marley (spaniel) and Poppy and Paolo (cairn and westie) for a walk in Beckenham Place Park for an hour.  I have been walking these dogs for a couple of years so we are all old friends.  The rain stayed in the air mainly so we didnt get too wet.  I met up with a friend who also has a spaniel and the dogs played for an hour before we all headed back.

Back home for lunch after dropping the dogs back and cleaning them up as best I could.  A little bit of tlc for my daughter who has a cold and is off school and its time for checking on emails and doing any admin that is required.  Buster's owner picked him up at 4.30pm so I had time for a little chat before going off again at 5pm to walk Wolfie, a lovely little dog who lives down my road.  Wolfie is very scared of fireworks and unfortunately he heard a small bang in the distance and it took all my strength to stop him running off home.  We managed the 30 min walk without hearing any other fireworks and I took her home for her tea.  Then it was off to the two evening cat sits I had.

At 7.30pm I headed home for tea with the family and a well earned rest in front of the tv.

All in all a good day's work and plenty of time to get everything ready for tomorrow.  Let's hope the sun manages to shine just a little and the drizzle stops.

Come back soon,
