This year is certainly flying by at a pace! September and people have started to ring up about Christmas bookings already. Looks like Im going to be a very busy bee on Christmas Day!
But back to Septemb

er and the lovely cats and dogs I have looked after.
First up, a picture of Harley. Harley is growing really fast and this picture shows you just how long he is getting. Harley likes his walks now and we have progressed to the park. I no longer have to carry him back either :)
I was still walking Rigsby in September but then his owner started taking him into work, so

unfortunately I'm not walking Rigsby at the moment. I miss our walks, but I have been assured by Darren that he will need me in the future so I'll be looking forward to that.
This relaxed cat is called Puffy. This turned into quite a strange pet sit, because half way through the pet sit Puffy had to be moved to my house. He had to have two insulin injections a day and his owner wanted him moved to Westerham, which is quite a long way from my home, but still wanted me to continue petsitting. I couldn't travel that far twice a day so I suggested he came to stay with me until she returned.

Puffy soon settled in as you can see. That's him on my bed looking very much at home. He liked to sleep on either my daughter's bed or mine at night so after the first few days he was allowed full run of the house.
Puffy stayed for about 5 days and we all miss him, even my grumpy husband :)
This is Buster. A lovely black labra

dor. He has boarded at my
house twice now and I'm looking forward to him coming to stay again in November. He stays for a short time when his owner has to be away for a day or two.

Marley and Noah are two Purr-fect Kitty regulars. I've just finished a pet sit with them. Their noses have been put a little out of joint because there's a new baby in the family but they are adjusting well.

This is Gabby, playing in the sink and Bumblebee (the ginger one). They lived with a hamster with a very grand name, Alonzo Moralez Slawinski. I just called him Al:)

Another new addition to the Purr-fect Kitty family is Algie. He lived next door to Israel and Bobby in Crystal Palace. When I went to visit his owner I found out that Israel and Bobby had moved back to Australia so that was a bit sad. That's Algie looking at me through the cat flap looking a bit confused. He soon got used to my visits and we spent many a pleasant half hour watching
Jeremy Kyle. His choice of course:)
This is Chutney. I looked after Chutney a very long time ago and

I was very pleased when his owner emailed and I got another chance to go and see him. And last but not least below you will see two Birman kittens called Coco and Sophie. A delight to look after, so friendly and very playful.

I will end on a sad note because a couple of days ago I learned that one of my client's cats, Winston (half bengal) had been run over by a car. His owner is really upset and finding it very difficult to come to terms with. My heart goes out to her and I hope she finds comfort in remembering all the nice times she had with Winston. He was quite a character and I can imagine completely dominated the neighbourhood. RIP Winston.