Here are a few pictures of the pets I have looked after this past month.
First up the most christmassey picture is of Seymour in his

I also had the pleasure of looking after Buster (labrador) for a night and Lenny (labradoodle) came to stay for a day and half. They were both brilliant and you can see them below.
Lenny took a liking to my sofa and he was only allowed to sleep on it if he stayed on the blanket :)

Over the Christmas holiday I looked after Cooper and Jen (my friends spaniels) while they holidayed in Cornwall with their family. They kept me very busy and were quite
hard to walk during the icy weather as Jen pulls quite a lot on her lead, so I had to have my wits about me. Here they are in the snow.
And now for the cats I looked after:-
In one house I am looking after 4 cats. Three I knew about and one the owners failed to tell me about. When this cat appeared at the house I didn't know if it was a neighbour's cat or if it belonged at the house. It's details weren't on my form but something made me think that I shouldn't shoo it away. That night I emailed the owners about the cat and they, just as I thought, told me they had acquired a new cat but had forgotten to tell me about it ;) I'm just the pet sitter after all :) And here they are:-

Yuki and Nero (he's a very nervous cat, hence the photo)

Seibei and Mishumishu (the new one)
And now for an oldie called Whiskey (the one on the stairs) and Max (black and white with red collar).

Whiskey was on antibiotics and each morning I had to give him a tablet wrapped in a piece of turkey. A few times the turkey was eaten and tablet dropped onto the floor but on the whole he was very good about taking them. Max didnt have any playmates and looked very lonely each time I visited so I tried to give him a bit of extra attention. Daisy is a lovely old girl and you can see her sitting on the green cover on the back of her sofa. She had been in the wars recently but was improving day by day.
Then I had some purr-fect kitty regulars Baloo and Bagheera (black cats), Marley (black and White) and Harley (tabby), and Marley (large black and white) and Noah (large, mostly black). All six are very affectionate cats and I loved going round to see them and getting reacquainted. On one of the evening visits to Harley and Marley, I had a little Christmas helper, Marcus and you can see him making friends with Marley. (see below)

I looked after three other Purr-fect Kitty regulars Marigold, my most nervous cat and two lovely kittens called Coco and Sophie. The kittens were georgeous as ever. Unfortunately I never get a picture of Marigold as she usually hides as soon as she hears the key in the door.
Last but not least two new cats called Agnus and Lionel. Agnus, a beautiful white cat and Lionel a really long legged ginger cat. I hope they become regulars as they are so affectionate and love the attention of daily visits.

And now for the cats I looked after:-
In one house I am looking after 4 cats. Three I knew about and one the owners failed to tell me about. When this cat appeared at the house I didn't know if it was a neighbour's cat or if it belonged at the house. It's details weren't on my form but something made me think that I shouldn't shoo it away. That night I emailed the owners about the cat and they, just as I thought, told me they had acquired a new cat but had forgotten to tell me about it ;) I'm just the pet sitter after all :) And here they are:-
Yuki and Nero (he's a very nervous cat, hence the photo)
Seibei and Mishumishu (the new one)
And now for an oldie called Whiskey (the one on the stairs) and Max (black and white with red collar).
Then I had some purr-fect kitty regulars Baloo and Bagheera (black cats), Marley (black and White) and Harley (tabby), and Marley (large black and white) and Noah (large, mostly black). All six are very affectionate cats and I loved going round to see them and getting reacquainted. On one of the evening visits to Harley and Marley, I had a little Christmas helper, Marcus and you can see him making friends with Marley. (see below)

I looked after three other Purr-fect Kitty regulars Marigold, my most nervous cat and two lovely kittens called Coco and Sophie. The kittens were georgeous as ever. Unfortunately I never get a picture of Marigold as she usually hides as soon as she hears the key in the door.
Last but not least two new cats called Agnus and Lionel. Agnus, a beautiful white cat and Lionel a really long legged ginger cat. I hope they become regulars as they are so affectionate and love the attention of daily visits.