I have had an amazing time recently looking after such lovely pets that I really feel blessed to have such an enjoyable job. Sometimes the jobs only last a week or two and in the case of Pog, just one visit, but I'm left with such happy memories and stories to tell that I become emotionally attached to every animal I look after.
I've put some of the pet's pictures onto this blog in a video, so take a look.
Just a little bit about some of the pets in the video - Lenny the labradoodle is staying with me at the moment and if I meet one more person who tells me labradoodles don't shed, I think I'll bring them home with me to see the thick layer of course fur on my carpets. Lenny!
Bob stays with me once a week usually, sometimes twice, just for the daytime while his owners are at work. He has a bit of a fixation with feet, especially trainers, so we are going to try some whistle diversionary tactics. I'll tell you how we get on.
Unfortunately I'm not walking Pie at the moment but enjoyed the week I was walking her over Crystal Palace Park. She was so affectionate and really loved attention. Pie came from Battersea Dogs Home and had been really mistreated in the past so I'm glad she's now been adopted by a lovely girl and been given the chance of a loving home.
Colin and Chloe, two Purr-fect Kitty regulars, are now going out into the garden and are really settled. Charlotte, their owner, has really persevered with them and they are a credit to her.
Cutie is very happy to have Mike back with her. I have been looking after Cutie for a friend who went on a cruise for four months. I visited her once a day for about an hour and sometimes (if I had the time) I'd go round there and watch a film so that she wasn't too lonely. Cutie showed no signs of anxiety and Mike has returned to a very relaxed cat.
Theo was rescued from a farm by his owner's son. Her son was at university and he and his friends heard about a litter of kittens that were going to be drowned. So they rode down on their bikes with back packs and rescued them all. Theo now lives in luxury and doesn't he deserve it!
Come back and see more of the pets I look after. I'll be boarding a lovely Whippet soon and then the crazy gang - my friends spaniels. Things are getting busy, busy, busy :)