I finally have some time to update this blog. I didn't realise how much time and effort it took to keep up a blog, and I'm only trying to do it once a month! The weather has now turned for the worse and luckily for me the last two days, work has been a bit slack and I've had a chance to catch up on jobs that need doing at home and on some paperwork. I even managed to catch up with some friends this morning, which made a really nice change. Anyway I'm not complaining, I love my job and here are some pictures of pets I have been looking after recently.

These two lovely cats are Zoe and Betty. They are outdoor cats who I have looked after once before. The first time I looked after them they were hardly ever around but this time they were at home when I visited and allowed me to have some cuddle time with them.

These two beauties are Zanzibar and Pemba. They are very difficult to tell apart but one is much shyer than the other and one has a little white mark on his nose. Their owner always leave a programmable timed feeder out for them but, as I explained when I went round there, I can only operate the simplest of feeders so I have to take the top off and fill all the compartments for the whole day. As you can see, it doesnt bother them at all!

Twinkle and Tilly are new clients and very different cats. Twinkle lives mainly outside in the shed where she is very happy doing her own thang, and Tilly is very homely and likes to snuggle up in the understairs cupboard in the warm. I hope I look after them again as they were really friendly and enjoyed my daily visits.
These two beautiful beagles came to stay with me for just over a week. Archie came to stay for a day while the beagles were with me. The two beagles, Tom and Toby, were completely obsessed with food. I couldn't leave anything within their reach at all. On day one they snatched some toast out of my daughter's hand while she was watching tv and when it was time for Archie to be collected by his owners, I put his bits and pieces well out of reach of Tom and Toby but by the time I had opened the door to Archie's owner they had managed to get up to his bag, knock it on the floor and eat all of his treats and half a bag of food. A scene of mayhem greeted Archie's owner when I went into the kitchen and in the middle of it stood Tom and Toby looking like butter wouldn't melt. They certainly were mischievous but I'd definately have them stay again, they were adorable! Archie was a cutie and was a definate hit with my daughter who posted lots of cute pictures of him on her facebook account.
Heres a cheeky picture of Bob who decided to sit on my shoulder while I was watching tv. I've looked after Bob quite a lot lately and I love the way he trys to squeeze into small spaces, he really doesnt like being left out :)
That's all the pictures I have at the moment and I'm really pleased with myself because I have managed to finish this post just as the first family member has arrived back home for tea :)
Come back soon!
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