Well what a winter it has been. A winter of many cancellations. I like the snow but when it starts to get in the way of everyday life, like it did before Christmas, it becomes a pain. Christmas should be my busiest time of year but with everybody having to cancel their holidays, I wasn't that busy at all.
I also had some really sad news before Christmas. Charlotte sent me a Christmas card with a lovely picture of Colin on the front and sadly told me that Colin had passed away. There are quite a few pictures of Colin on this blog as I looked after him quite a few times. Sadly he was getting iller and iller. The picture above is Colin in happier times. |
Here are some pictures of the pet sits that did happen over the Christmas period :)
My daughter Anya with Kizzy |

This is a new puppy I am helping to look after when the owners' shifts coincide. Her name is Kizzy and she is a little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Me and the Penge chucks |
Pip, Marley and Buster |

Another little pup I looked after a few times before Christmas. Her name is Nala.
Unfortunately my time with Buster has ended but he may come and board next year. Fingers crossed. |
This is Honey. Honey is deaf and can't walk very well. She is coming to stay while her owners are on holiday in a weeks time so expect to see some more pictures of her. |

Chloe guarding the door. I had another dog at home that day and Chloe was making sure he couldn't come in. Bob was fine with it though, he's been with us for a long time and doesn't let silly things like that bother him.

This is Skye. You can read a bit about her in an earlier post. Skye came to stay while her owners got married in December. I was a bit worried about how she would get on, but I needn't have as everything went swimmingly.
Bob getting his Christmas Cracker |
Boris trying to get his muzzle off. |

Bear my last boarder. And above with Bob, my day dog. Luckily I have Bob twice a week at the moment. Bob is doing excellently with his training and is a pleasure to walk now. Bear should be coming to board a few times next year while his owner works away. We can't wait to have Bear back. He grew very attached to my 21 year old son and really missed him when he was away at work. He loved having his belly rubbed as you can see in the photo above.
You can now follow me on Facebook. Just "like" Purr-fect Kitty, Bromley Pet Sitter (local business) and see more pictures on a more regular basis.