I've just finished a magnificent pet sit. I was looking after three cats, Tigger, Misty and Loulou and 5 geckos - 3 Leopard, 2 Cresties and one Chinese cave gecko. The Leopard geckos were very active every morning and eager to eat their live crickets. The Cresties didnt seem to move and I was very pleased every time I saw an eye blink. The crickets were disappearing so I knew there was no need for concern. I never saw the Chinese cave gecko, but I had been warned about that. The cats were lovely. Tigger had no teeth and I had to make sure she had some food everyday and that it wasn't all scoffed by Loulou, her massive housemate. Misty was a little
nervous and didn't really come out of her shell.

When I started visiting Lenny he hadn't had all of his injections and so could only go out into the communal gardens on a lead. Now, fully innoculated I can take him out on short walks and let him off the lead in the communal garden. That is a bit nervewracking but I'm gradually getting used to it. He is a lovely dog and growing rapidly. I actually notice a difference in him from week to week.
I will regularly post a picture of Lenny so you can track his progress.

Bookings recently have gone mad and Im looking forward to a very busy summer. I've just taken a booking for another puppy called Harley, so expect to see some pictures of him towards the middle of the summer.
I'm very lucky that a friend of mine, a retired pet sitter, is helping me out during the busy periods for the rest of this year and I, in return, will be boarding his cat for three months while he takes a cruise. Luckily he doesn't go until after Christmas, so bad luck Mike it looks like you'll be very busy on Christmas Day. I'm such a slave driver!!
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