Workwise January and February are always slow months but I have had new clients so have some pictures for you.
My first cat is Cutie. Cutie is my friend's cat and he has gone away for 3 months on an around the world cruise. Because of the hold up with the building I have been unable to bring Cutie to my house as was planned, and instead I go round to see her as much as I can. It's working out quite well at the moment and I'

Cutie is a great lap cat as you can see and lets you know if she isn't getting enough attention by tapping you on the chin with her paw.

I am really pleased to introduce you to JL and Beauregard. JL is a Maine Coon and Beau is a Norwegian Forest Cat. They are absolutely gorgeous and JL is the largest cat I've ever looked after. When I started looking after them they wouldn't come out from under the bed, but now they greet me and I'm able to groom and pet them.
Two other new cats are Basil and Sybil. Two British Shorthaired cats. Basil, Shorthair Blue and Sybil, Shorthair Blue and Cream. They are quite nervous of me still and I could only get pictures of them on the top of cupboards. On one of the visits they were quite brave and came up to me but the next time I came they seemed quite skittish. I'm sure when I've looked after them a few more times they will come round :)

Are'nt they lovely!
Look forward to seeing pictures of a lovely puppy I am going to be walking and another beautiful black labrador who I will be walking every day in February. Let's hope the weather improves!
Unfortunately I end this post on a sad note as two of my clients informed me recently that their cat Marley had been run over. Marley was a beautiful black and white cat and I last looked after her before Christmas. I was very sad to hear the news and I hope Harley, Wayne and Bonnie are slowly getting over there loss. RIP Marley.
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