You've probably visited this blog because you are trying to decide whether to send your cat or dog to kennels or employ a pet sitter.
Every month or so I update this blog with pictures of the pets I have been looking after and sometimes a little story about the pet sit or dog board. I hope this will help you decide and if you do decide on a pet sitter, I hope you give me a call to discuss your requirements.
In the last couple of months I have been very busy so I am going to feature a few of the

First up Ruby. A lovely old dog with a lovely temperament and a loving nature. She is about 9 years old and her owner was away for a few days. Ruby was a bit of a nightmare to walk on a lead and wasn't allowed off lead in the park so we did most of our playing in the garden (which was massive!). Ruby loved running for her deflated rugby ball, her frisbee and tennis ball. She had a habit of trying to get the toys all in her mouth at the same time to bring them back which was really quite comical. In the evening she would lie by my feet and roll over so that I could rub her belly. Who wouldn't enjoy that ?
For the last four days I have had Bob staying with me, a beautiful Schnauzer. Bob had beautiful colouring and his eyebrows were sort of duck egg blue. He was a little anxious when he arrived, complete with pheramone collar, but quickly settled down. Because he was anxious I relaxed the rules a bit and let him sleep on my bed, just like he did at home. He was no trouble during the night and slept between me and my husband or at the bottom of the bed. In the morning he

went out in the garden for an early morning toilet break and then came back upstairs and settled down again or looked out the window and growled at whoever was going past:) Bob was walked three times a day, mostly off lead and he was very good, playing nicely with other dogs, chasing his ball and not giving it back and I had been warned about his obsession with joggers and cyclists but he only chased two people, which I thought was quite impressive. I knicknamed Bob, Biscuit Bob, because he was a bit hit and miss if you called Bob to get him to come back, but if you shouted biscuit, he came back no problem:)

Cutie is a cat I have been looking after for a friend of mine who has gone on a cruise. Cutie is an indoor cat, she does have a cat flap but doesn't really like going out much. On the first day of sunshine I opened the front door and took my cup of tea out onto the steps that lead up to the flat and Cutie came out with me for a little while. She seemed to enjoy being out in the sun but only stayed out for about 10 minutes before she decided she'd had enough.
Buno, the Bangladeshi cat. Buno's owners adopted him when they were working over there and decided when they returned to England to bring Buno with them. He had to spend a long time in quarantine but now resides in Shortlands. He was feral but is now a house cat and a very vocal one at that. We had a few chats when I visited. Of course he was speaking Bangladeshi so I didn't understand him at all :)
This is Colin and Chloe, two Purr-fect Kitty regulars. Here they are in a licking frenzy. They were much more relaxed this time round and both cats liked jumping on my lap for a stroke after they had wolfed down their food. It was nice to see them so happy because they had had a big upheaval when I first started looking after them and although Chloe settled down quickly, Colin found it very difficult.

This is the lovely Tilly, a beautiful black labrador pup. Tilly came to stay while her owner had to work very long hours over a couple of days. Like all labradors, Tilly loved a good run in the park and I had some lovely walks with her. Tilly arrived with a huge crate which she slept in at night and lots of toys. I am hoping Tilly becomes a regular boarder.
Thats just a taste of some of the pets I have looked after in the last couple of months. Come back to soon to meet more of my pets. I have some new dog and cat sits starting in the next few weeks and I'm looking forward to a very busy Easter.
See you Soon

Thats just a taste of some of the pets I have looked after in the last couple of months. Come back to soon to meet more of my pets. I have some new dog and cat sits starting in the next few weeks and I'm looking forward to a very busy Easter.
See you Soon
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